
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures and experiences with Kundalini energy. Hope you have a nice stay!

Assorted Spiritual Awakening Poems/Writings

Assorted Spiritual Awakening Poems/Writings

Run towards the Light if you temporarily want to feel better feeling sensations - turn towards the darkness if you want to be free

- November 2023

At a certain point you are no longer the one that is striving to live the Truth, the Truth just starts living you

- November 2023

Living the Truth is the ultimate mystery

- November 2023

Often it isn’t until we have become completely and utterly desperate that we truly long for God from the depths of our being… This is why the Divine Mother brings us to our knees… Again and again and again….

- October 2023

The pure seeking of God removes all blockages

- October 2023

Sometimes our only purpose is just to breathe - and can that be enough?

- September 2023

Chesaray’s retreat has sent me deep into the void - and within the emptiness of the void, I can feel the divine mother removing a lot of the false programming and desires that I was carrying in my field that were masquerading as Truth but were actually rooted in fear.

Always welcome the void - as it is an invitation to surrender into a more expansive state of being while aligning deeper with what is actually True. On the other side of the void we will often notice that we have taken a big leap in consciousness and that our actions are more attuned with God and Her desires for us ❤️

Cheers to the void 🌷

- September 2023

My higher self just told me that I’ve done all the work that I’ve needed to do with my personal will - and that I can just allow the divine take it from here Maybe a few of you needed to hear that as well

- September 2023

The kundalini is not asking you to transform into a ‘better’ version of yourself so that you can then love and accept yourself as a product of who you have become…

the kundalini is asking you to love and accept yourself fully as you are in this moment - and then watch as miracles unfold

- August 2023

No matter what is happening you are worthy of 100% of your own love. you do not need to withhold your love for yourself based on if things are unfolding in a certain way or not

- August 2023

I don’t think anything in this world really scares me that much anymore… what scares me the most is what is inside of me

- July 2023

You must be willing to allow your egoic persona to be humiliated if you want to become a powerful conduit for the divine - every humiliation you experience while living your dharma liberates you from another layer of karmic limitation

- June 2023

The more you align with your divine mission the more you will feel connected to your power… The more you are connected to your power the safer you will feel…

The safer you feel the more receptive and open you will become… The more receptive and open you become the easier it will be to give your gifts…

The easier it is to give your gifts the more you will naturally and automatically align with your divine mission… See the circle? The hologram we live in is a spiral 🌀

Look to live in congruence with self sustaining circles / spirals and your life will gradually become lot easier and more abundant because you will be coming into harmony with the workings of this reality / Universe

- May 2023

The level of engagement that people have with your work will typically match the level of engagement that you have with the Light

- April 2023

When you align with your divine mission more of your DNA starts activating and you begin feeling like an entire self sustaining Universe unto yourself

- April 2023

The results that you are seeing now are from an older version of yourself. Trust what you know and feel in your body and keep going. And know that the best result of all is feeling connected to your power

- April 2023

your reality is self generated and is going to reflect ALL of you back to you… could there be anymore of an important reason to fall in love with every single aspect of yourself than this?

it DOES NOT MATTER what your beliefs are, or how many affirmations you say

if you have unprocessed trauma in your body and undigested shadow in your energy field, it WILL be mirrored back to you until you are able to turn towards it in a loving and tender way

with that being said, adopting a belief system that gently and compassionately reinforces the importance of embracing your darkness and pain in loving kindness is very helpful

and this is really what a belief system comes down to

it can be supportive and nourishing for your awakening process, encouraging you to welcome forward the parts of you that have been buried and suppressed, the aspects of you that are most desperately starving for love and Presence, uplifting yourself and those around you

or it can be unsupportive and destructive, convincing you to bypass and run from your most precious wounds, leading to fragmentation and sowing the seeds for separation and division, causing harm and suffering to yourself and others

- July 2022

When we are in alignment and trusting fully and completely in God, our energy centers (chakras) are open and our life force is flowing

When we are refusing to let go of old patterns and beliefs and not trusting fully and completely in God, our body and chakras begin to contract and close down, and our life force becomes frozen (super fucking painful)

The reason we don't stay in alignment through the letting go of old patterns and beliefs, is because we feel that God will abandon us in the unknown. We don't trust that God will support us if we stay in alignment without compromising

Eventually a breaking point is reached, where the painful sensations and bodily disturbances, created from the contractions in the body and chakras through misaligned living, become so excruciating and severe, that out of sheer necessity we step into the terrifying unknown

And it's there, in the unknown, where we rediscover the sweet relief of living in alignment again, where our body relaxes and our energy centers open and we feel the delicious nectar of our life force flowing... it's in the unknown where we learn deep in our bones that God never abandons us, and that we don't have to compromise on our Truth to be safe... it's in the unknown that an unshakeable faith is born

- November 2021

as we gradually and slowly relinquish the reflex and addiction of going into the mind when pain arises, and remain resting in beingness, the pain thaws and transmutes

- August 2021

My guide Craig Holliday always teaches, “allow the kundalini to live through you as you”

When I feel into this, I realize that the kundalini wants to connect deeply to spacious awareness, to the heart center and to write and create from there. She desires to commune with Gaia, to drink water and fresh juice and herbal tea. She doesn’t have an agenda, she isn’t creating to ‘get’ something, she is not concerned about being received well, being loved, or hopeful of some type of response, she just wants to flow.

When I feel into what the character of ‘Matt’ (pain body) wants its lustful sex, dopamine and instant gratification, thinkingness, endless vacation, attention, to be validated, to be loved and pleasure.

When I allow the kundalini to live through me as me my experience of life is abundant and flowing, serenated by an ever present and reverberating Peacefulness with flavors of love, joy and melancholy dancing throughout and within my consciousness.

When I live for Matt’s desires my experience of life is deadening and hollow. I am always chasing things that are never enough no matter how much of them I get. I find myself suffering in the hell realms of desperation, addiction and samsara.

- August 2021

The intense energies, drama and chaos happening on Gaia right now are only going to continue to ramp up and accelerate as the planetary Ascension process moves forward. We are at a critical period in time in Earth's history and the 'play' is only going to become more insane and painful for the masses, because it has to, this is what humanity needs to reach a threshold of consciousness for human life to continue here

These times can easily cause us to feel overwhelmed and 'up against it.' The key is to remain rooted in your Truth at all times. If you can simply stay in your highest alignment and not compromise for anyone or anything, you will feel a deep, deep Peace and well being emanating within you regardless of the external events transpiring 

It is when we abandon Truth, which is the same thing as abandoning ourselves, that we will start to feel lost, isolated and that this world is 'too much.' As you stay in your Truth and stop giving your power away to another person, the government, or even something as subtle as a thought, you will feel a Oneness with the divine, a Oneness with the Light, and ironically you will feel safer and more assured then those around you who are abandoning themselves and doing things that they don't want to do for the illusion of 'staying safe'

- August 2021

When you stop abandoning yourself, others may feel temporarily abandoned by you. Trust that what is best for you is best for everyone. We are all One, it cannot be any other way.

- April 2021

the deeper we surrender into Life, the more we feel Life's natural rhythm guiding us...

And the more we live in harmony with this natural rhythm, the more we discover that this rhythm is actually who we are... and the essence of this rhythm is love... therefore our essence is love...

We realize that this natural rhythm is always loving us... whether we are living in harmony with it or not... whether we are in darkness or suffering or hurting.. this rhythm is always loving us... teaching us unconditional love...

And every moment presents the opportunity to align with this unconditional love that we are

- August 2020

Sometimes God makes our suffering so intense and our pain so immense that we are forced to let go of identifying with that which is suffering (the separate self), and we have no choice but to come home to our Truth. When our suffering and pain become extreme, this is God cornering us, leaving us no option but surrender.

Who you really are, your vast and spacious nature, cannot suffer, only when you become identified with the mind will you suffer. Pain is a part of every human experience, but suffering is dependent on how much of your awareness is tied up in the 'character' or separate self.

Do you really want to sell out your attention to the separate self and drain your most precious resource (Presence) on an illusion that can never offer you anything in return except for more lack..

Or do you choose to turn your attention around on itself and follow it to its Source, where everlasting Love, Peace and well being is found..

And this Love, Peace and well being is still present, even when we are in the darkness, it's only through identifying with the mind when we are in the darkness that keeps the love and peace hidden..

Suffering is God waking us up to our True nature. Because shit gets so dark and painful, we really have no choice but to transcend the mind, because living through the mind literally becomes a living hell. God is delivering us heaven, all we have to do is let go of putting all of our awareness and focus in the mental tower, let go of trying to figure this out, and just simply Be.

You dont need your thoughts, your stories, your desires, your daydreams and fantasies, these are all for the separate self, and the more you stay invested in them, the more you're going to suffer. YOU dont need anything because the True you is already complete.

Slowly as your awareness and focus starts disentangling from the separate self, you will begin to taste more and more Presence, and you will find that this is the nourishment you've been seeking, this is the healing tonic you've been desiring so desperately, what you've actually really wanted all along, and then the suffering of the separate self falls away, because it's no longer needed to wake you up.

- July 2020

Whatever we see in another, they can see us seeing it in them. If we see karma and pain in another, they can see us seeing the karma and pain in them. If we see the divinity in someone, they can see us seeing the divinity in them.

Whatever another sees us seeing in them, we reveal it to them. Do you want to reveal to people their karma and pain, or do you want to reveal to them their divinity?

To see someone’s divinity you must be able to look deeply enough within them. And you can only look as deeply into someone else as you can look into yourself.

If you cannot look deeply enough into yourself to see your own divinity, then you will not be able to see someone else’s divinity.

Instead you will only be able to see their karma and pain, through the eyes of your own karma and pain.

- April 2020

If your kundalini process has you feeling a lot of pain, connect with the non physical in a deeper way. Open yourself up to receiving the insights and guidance as to why your pain feels so challenging and overwhelming.

The answers you receive may not take your pain away, but at least you will come to understand how your pain is serving you. And until you are able to see and feel how your pain is serving you, it will remain.

- March 2020

Your mind is not equipped to make life decisions, it is simply a tool to assist in the decisions that your heart has made.

- March 2020

Awakening in the Belly

Awakening in the Belly