
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures and experiences with Kundalini energy. Hope you have a nice stay!

7 Ways Meditating For 2 Hours Everyday Is Changing My Life

7 Ways Meditating For 2 Hours Everyday Is Changing My Life

29 days ago I vowed to start meditating for 2 hours everyday.

Here are the top 7 ways that my life has changed over the last 29 days.

1) I feel more vast

There is less of a ‘me’ force present. I feel more spacious and free. This has allowed me to hold more space for the healing process that is taking place within. I’m also realizing that being able to hold more space is also a benefit to my clients, family, friends and pets.

2) Less resistance to lower states of consciousness and emotions

I have a deeper sense and knowing that the lower states are impermanent. And because I can feel the temporary nature of the lower states while I’m experiencing them, I tend to resist them less. Meditating for such long periods has also helped me to cultivate the space from my inner negativity, so I’m not as susceptible to identifying with the negativity as it is arising.

When my negativity and darkness is arising, I’m actually starting to see it more as an opportunity to learn about myself in a deeper way, instead of seeing the darkness as a hindrance or something I’d rather avoid.

3) Meditation is reprogramming my subconscious mind

I have a lot more positive expectation about life now. This isn’t something I’ve tried to cultivate through positive thinking or affirmations. It is just happening as a result of meditating everyday for 2 hours. My dreams have also become much more positive in nature. This tells me that meditation is reprogramming my subconscious mind.

4) My circumstances matter much less

I’m noticing that the more I meditate how little my circumstances are starting to matter. I’m realizing that only my state of being matters, and that my state of being is determined by how I respond to my circumstances. I’ve been responding to my circumstances with an abundance of appreciation and gratitude.

It is so easy to find things to be grateful for now. How amazing that I get to drink clean water whenever I want to! What a Divine gift that I have fresh Montana air to breathe everyday. I haven’t started a gratitude journal or anything, I am just finding myself naturally more appreciative of life’s simple pleasures.

For example, yesterday I was receiving so much joy and appreciation from just watching how my cats move through the Prairie. I was immersed in observing their elegance and grace mixed perfectly with explosiveness and tenacity. And I was just marveling the intelligence of life that was working through them.

5) I’m more in my body!

There is just so much more space in my throat, heart, gut, sacral and root chakra. I am so much more opened up and spacious in my body. I can literally feel how much more powerfully Prana is able to flow through my channels. Every breathe feels abundantly nourishing. It is also a lot easier for me to receive Life’s Intelligence, rather than always trying to ‘figure things out’ in my mind. My body is staying healthy, fit and vibrant with little to no effort.

6) I’m a lot easier on myself

I’m much easier on myself when I mess up. I’ve always been really critical of myself. It feels like my inner perfectionist is dissolving. This has freed me of so much heaviness, and now I feel more freedom to create and make mistakes and this has helped me to expand as a person. I feel this underlying warm feeling that everything is going to be okay, that everything is perfect just the way it is and its okay if I make mistakes.

7) Becoming more of a Universal person rather than a Societal person

I now prefer to be in nature learning from a tree about the Universe, rather than staring at my phone learning from the media about society. I’m letting go so much more fully of others opinions and expectations of me. I’m becoming more free to allowing the Universe to expand through me, as me, while letting go of any limiting societal programs or any type of conditioning that we inherit as we grow up. I’m becoming more conducive to receiving what the Universe is asking of me rather than what society is asking of me.

Stick with it!

At times on this path I thought the meditation wasn’t working, or I felt that I hadn’t progressed much. But these were always temporary plateaus, and just a few days later another huge breakthrough and shift would occur. So if you find yourself doubting if the meditation is ‘working’, I promise you it is! Just stay the course and you will undoubtedly experience your own life changing results:)

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Letting Go Of Lack And Scarcity (My Experiment)

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