
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures and experiences with Kundalini energy. Hope you have a nice stay!

4 Symptoms Of The Kundalini Purging Process

4 Symptoms Of The Kundalini Purging Process


It is important to understand that these purges are intended to be intense and are going to take you to your edge.

Often times the purges won’t relent until you just can’t take it another second. The Divine will bring us to our knees into deep surrender.

We will be taken to such depths that surrendering all of our egoic desires to the Kundalini, to God to the Universe will become inevitable. These purges will bring you through the fire of your own darkness and unconsciousness.

You will find a place within you that you didn’t know existed. A place of supreme knowing and resiliency.

You will open to Grace and the Kundalini in a deeper way than you could have ever conceived of. After going through countless purges you will say, “Yes, Kundalini, wake up in me as me, speak through me, act through me, give me the humility to surrender everything to You and Your Divine Will.”

All of your insecurities and misaligned beliefs are going to be triggered. Your old self is dying. Who you were is no longer. Open yourself to something greater and Trust that you are going to get everything you ever wanted, but it is going to look nothing like you thought it would. Let go of your beliefs and stories. Let go into something higher.

Following are 4 of the most primary symptoms you may experience if you are going through the Kundalini purging process:

1)      The feeling of being in a pressure cooker:

The Kundalini is literally cooking away your unconsciousness, imbalances and karma from your being. This can manifest in several different symptoms but the primary movement here is to surrender to the Kundalini with a knowing that you are in loving and intelligent hands. God is healing you. You only have to allow the process to unfold in the way it is unfolding.

·         Electric crawling sensations all over your body

·         Burning electric sensations (feels like acid rain) and pressure in your head (sometimes a throbbing feeling in your forehead *3rd eye chakra)

·         Intense brain fog, not being able to concentrate (these are signs of your brain being rewired by the Kundalini)- (look beneath the fear when going through brain fog and you will find a clarity that is always there, even if you can barely read or string a sentence together)

·         Shaking and pulsations all through your body and even in your head (sometimes even more intensely in the head)

·         Getting too hot and sweating profusely and then conversely getting the chills and being unable to warm up

·         An overall feeling of unease and dis-ease

Call to action:

This is truly about knowing you are a vessel for Divine intelligence to wake up in you as you. The more you are able to allow your egoic self to let go of wanting Life to go a certain way and to let go of needing to feel a certain way the easier this will be for you.

Let the Divine Grace flood into you and to heal you with its tremendous transformative power. Transformation in an evolutionary world, by its very nature requires pain and discomfort. It is not comfortable to be facing all of your unconscious fears, traumas, angers and grief but it is for your highest evolution that they come up to be felt and accepted.

Accept that this path is going to bring up everything you are afraid of, yes, quite literally everything, and just know that this is all happening with or without your acceptance. Your choice is not one of waking up or not anymore, but rather one of choosing to be where you are or not choosing to be where you are, and the more you choose to be where you are the less you will suffer. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.

And whenever we resist, suffering will follow. The key to not suffering is to not resist. Yet even a certain amount of suffering is inevitable because at times our unconsciousness will be resisting with all its might and will not let go until the Kundalini has forced it into surrender through burning pain.

Surrender to the Kundalini and allow it to cleanse and clear your being so that you can come face to face with who you really are and claim the inner freedom that is always within you.

2)      OVERWHELMING feelings and emotions

·         Tremendous amounts of fear

·         Rage, anger, irritation, unbearable frustration

·         Suicidal grief and sadness

·         Crazy amounts of anxiety and social anxiety

·         Panic attacks sometimes all the time

Call to action:

These feelings seem to come out of NO WHERE. That is what is so shocking and difficult about them. Often times I would wonder, “where is this coming from?!!”

Overwhelming fear has been the most intense and transformative feelings I have encountered on this path.

I feel I have healed generations of fear and trauma while going through this awakening. Early in my awakening it felt like lifetimes of fear were surging to the surface. Many days I would wake up too terrified to leave my room.

On those days I would force myself to walk and walk and walk far from home to show my terrified and overwhelmed mind that there was nothing to be afraid of. The fear was all consuming and took me to my limit several times.

On numerous occasions I would just lay in the fetal position and cry about what felt like too much negativity (in the form of fear, anger, intense grief) arising in my being. But I would ALWAYS stay open to these feelings and energies because I knew resisting them would only serve to keep them in me.

For a true release of these darker energies we need to fearlessly open ourselves to them. Muster every ounce of courage in your being and embrace these energies. Every layer you open to you start to feel an inner deepening and confidence in your being. You start knowing that your being is un-harmable.

You gain the insights of all the darkness that has been suppressed for lifetimes in your being. The darkness is here to serve you. It is here to strengthen your being and to connect you back to your innate power and wisdom.

After awhile you will actually begin to look forward to these intensely dark emotions, because you will know what lies on the other side of opening to them.

You will know that when you allow them to arise that you become closer to who you actually are and that who you actually are is an infinite and immortal being who is unattached to this game of energy going on. There is an inner master residing in you and your darkness is the path to meeting this inner master.

3)      Exhaustion, Lethargy, Aches, Sleep and Appetite Issues

·         Sleeping for 12 hours and waking up feeling 100 years old

·         0 motivation to do anything

·         Old interests and relationships dissolving

·         Restless energy: a feeling of being manic but unable to sleep

·         Sleeping for 14 hours at a time or not sleeping at all

·         No appetite or dramatic appetite changes (vegan craving meat)

·         Your body aches all over- strange rashes (part of detoxing lower vibrations)

Call to action:

Listen to your body. Don’t listen or believe your mind if it is bombarding you with guilt for sleeping in, quitting your job or not having the desire to call old friends back. You are changing at such a rate that clinging to the old is only going to cause you more pain and suffering.

Allow the change to take place without adding any negativity to it. It is like when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. For awhile it is in the womb and there doesn’t *appear to be a lot happening.

There is a time when rest is going to be your main priority. Transformation takes a tremendous amount of energy. You aren’t being lazy or unproductive. You are actually doing about the most productive thing you could be doing in transforming your consciousness.

The amount of energy you are generating for the cooking away of your unconsciousness and traumas would astonish most people. It is more than a full time job. You have an intuitive sense of what you need; listen to this knowing.

There will be a time when your energy levels will restore for outward action, but right now it is time to go inward and to do the inner work of clearing and healing the inner child. Love yourself by caring for yourself. You know that something profound is occurring within you.

Devote everything, all your resources to caring for yourself. Again, the mind may have its complaints, threats, fears and blackmails, but you are not your mind. Sometimes early in this process, our mind is not our best advocate. Try to tune into your heart. The heart always knows what you need. Trust your heart as you would trust in God, because God is speaking to you through your heart.

4)      Thought Storms

·         Uncontrollable thoughts

·         Obsessive fearful thoughts

·         Thoughts of overwhelming dark nature

·         Repressed or unconscious thoughts surfacing

·         Graphic violence and terror in your thoughts

·         Old traumas, pains and wounds surfacing

Call to action:

The thoughts during a Kundalini purge have this overwhelming nature. Sometimes it feels like we have no choice but to get pulled into them. During these times it is essential to remain connected to your innate spaciousness.

This just means to not identify with being the mind and the body. Rather I have a mind and I have a body, but I know that my consciousness is vast and expansive and that all of this craziness and purging is happening within this vast and expansive consciousness.

As you start becoming more and more connected to your Space Of Being the Kundalini purges become more endurable. The movement here is to allow these thoughts to come up without trying to control them in any way. Watch this video I made on this subject for more detailed insights.

Don’t believe the craziness of your mind. Meditation will show you how insane the mind can become. Just allow the thoughts without giving them your power of belief. Over time of just allowing the thoughts without being pulled in by them you will notice how your mind’s momentum will slow down and the chaos will transform into peace. It’s like walking through a sand storm, you don’t know when it will end, but it eventually does.

In conclusion:

Detach from identification with mind and body. This is a refinement process. Higher vibrations are coming into your being and for them to integrate you must release the old that is denser and heavier. The kundalini wants to flow through you unimpeded.

Any vibrations that are gunking up our system are going to be burned away. This is called fierce grace. There will be an unraveling of all of your old beliefs and patterns which are holding certain vibrations and frequencies in place. This unraveling process can feel extremely painful and overwhelming at times.

Trust that as this process matures that you will feel more vital and aligned than you could have ever imagined. What is happening within you now is a small price to pay for where your consciousness is evolving.

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