Open Diaries

As we gradually and slowly relinquish the reflex and addiction of going into the mind when pain arises, and remain resting in beingness, the pain thaws and transmutes.

My Fall from Grace

No matter how much will power I employed, I felt that the darkness was this unrelenting one-million-pound-force, weighing on me every second of every day, and I had this knowing, that it wasn’t going to show any mercy until it had completely broken me.

Kundalini, Cigarettes And Hell Realms

My intellect was disintegrated, my psyche felt beyond repair, and my body was going haywire with torrents of fear rushing through it. Lifetimes of density and trauma were surfacing to be healed, and bringing forth more pain and suffering than I knew a human being capable of enduring. The kundalini was taking me to my knees in surrender.

KARMA: Reclaiming The 'Self'

In truth, the outcomes and destinies are actually the aspects of life that don’t matter at all. We just think that if things happened in a certain way, we would feel better. And maybe we would, until the next thing we needed to happen a certain way went awry.